Job Postings

To Post a Job Opening

Send an email to [email protected] and attach a link to the job listing or an exact .pdf, .doc, or .docx of the job description as you want it to appear. We do no editing other than to rename the document. Your listing must include an actual means to apply - either a link or an email.

Tell us if you want to blast an e-mail to our membership. This service is only offered to active members and their employers. 

Each opening will be posted for a three-month period or until a request to unpost it is received from the originator.

Job Opening Date Posted
Pew Charitable Trusts, Senior Associate, Research & Policy, Managing Fiscal Risks (State Budgeting) - Washington, D.C. 6/26/2024
VanEck, Municipal Credit Analyst 6/25/2024
New York University, Senior Financial Analyst 6/18/2024
Bessemer Trust, Municipal Bond Credit Analyst 6/11/2024
Pew Charitable Trusts, Senior Associate, Research & Policy, Managing Fiscal Risks (State Budgeting), Washington DC 5/24/2024
JP Morgan Chase & Co, Inc., Asset Management - Municipal Research Analyst - Vice President 5/21/2024
BNY Mellon, VP, Credit Risk II - Public Finance & Not-for Profit Risk 5/16/2024
Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. - Investment Grade Separately Managed Account Municipal Bond Portfolio Manager 5/7/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co., Public Finance - Investor Marketing - Executive Director 4/4/2024


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